Logistic growth model - Overview

1 Introduction

We assume that we observe a population of organisms that grow according to the logistic growth model. We observe the population size at discrete time points.

This can be modelled with a state space model (synonyms are partially-observed Markov processes, hidden Markov model and nonlinear stochastic dynamical systems).

HMM S1 s(t-1) X1 x(t-1) S1->X1 εₜ₋₁ S2 s(t) X2 x(t) S2->X2 S3 s(t+1) X3 x(t+1) S3->X3 Send s(T) Xend x(T) Send->Xend X0 x(0) Xstart->X0 p(x₀) X0->S1                                        X1->S2 p(xₜ | xₜ₋₁) Y1 y(t-1) X1->Y1 ηₜ₋₁ X2->S3 Y2 y(t) X2->Y2 p(yₜ | xₜ) X3->Send                                        Y3 y(t+1) X3->Y3 Yend y(T) Xend->Yend

  • \(s(t)\): state that is modelled with a process-based model at time \(t\)

  • \(x(t)\): true hidden state at time \(t\)

  • \(y(t)\): observation at time \(t\)

  • \(p(x(t) | x(t-1))\): transition probability between the true states

  • \(p(y(t) | x(t))\): observation probability

  • \(p(x₀)\): prior for the initial state of the true states

  • \(εₜ₋₁\): process error

  • \(ηₜ₋₁\): observation error

2 Process model

\[ \begin{align} &x_{t} = \left(1 + r\left(1 - \frac{x_{t-1}}{K}\right) + \varepsilon_{t}\right) \cdot x_{t-1} \\ &\varepsilon_{t} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_{p}^2) \end{align} \]

thereby we assume that the process error \(\varepsilon\) scales with the population size.

3 Observation model

We use a gamma distribution for the observation model: \[ \begin{align} &\alpha_t = \frac{x_{t}^2}{\sigma_o^2} \\ &\theta_t = \frac{\sigma_o^2}{x_{t}} \\ &y_t \sim \text{Gamma}(\alpha_t, \theta_t) \end{align} \]

similarly we could also use a normal distribution for the observation model: \[ y_t \sim \mathcal{N}(x_{t}, \sigma_o^2) \]

4 Parameters

We will use the folling parameters for the simulation experiment:

Parameter Description Value
\(\sigma_p\) standard deviation of the process error 0.05
\(\sigma_o\) standard deviation of the observation error 20.0
\(r\) growth rate 0.1
\(K\) carrying capacity 400
\(x_0\) initial population size 20

5 Generate data

import Random
using CairoMakie
using Distributions

    fontsize = 18,
    Axis = (; xgridvisible = false, ygridvisible = false,
            topspinevisible = false, rightspinevisible = false),
    Legend = (; framevisible = false))

function generate_data(n_observations; σ_p, σ_o, r, K, x₀)
    ts = 1:n_observations
    T = length(ts)

    s = Array{Float64}(undef, T)
    x = Array{Float64}(undef, T)
    y = Array{Float64}(undef, T)
    ε = rand(Normal(0, σ_p), T)

    for t in ts
        x_lastt = t == 1 ? x₀ : x[t-1]
        s_lastt = t == 1 ? x₀ : s[t-1]

        s[t] = (1 + r*(1 - s_lastt/K)) * s_lastt
        x[t] = (1 + r*(1 - x_lastt/K) + ε[t]) * x_lastt
        y[t] = rand(Gamma(x[t]^2 / σ_o^2, σ_o^2 / x[t]))

    (; ts, s, x, y, parameter = (; σ_o, r, K, x₀))

true_solution = generate_data(100; σ_p = 0.05, σ_o = 20.0, r = 0.1, K = 400, x₀ = 20.0);

    fig = Figure(size = (900, 600))

    ax = Axis(fig[1, 1]; xlabel = "time", ylabel = "population size")
    scatter!(true_solution.ts, true_solution.y, color = :steelblue4, label = "observations: y")
    lines!(true_solution.ts, true_solution.x, color = :blue, label = "true hidden state: x")
    lines!(true_solution.ts, true_solution.s, color = :red, label = "process-model state: s")
    Legend(fig[1, 2], ax)

6 Parameter inference

Experiment Description
MCMC without states v1 we will just ignore the process error
MCMC without states v2 we included the process error but we won’t model the hidden state
MCMC without states v3 we included the process error and use one step ahead prediction but we won’t model the hidden state
state space - MCMC we include the hidden state (the process error over time) as parameters in addition to the model parameters
state space - pMCMC we will infer the hidden state with a sequential monte carlo method (= particle filter) and use MCMC for the model parameters

for an introduction to state space models in ecology see Auger-Méthé et al. (2021)


Auger-Méthé, Marie, Ken Newman, Diana Cole, Fanny Empacher, Rowenna Gryba, Aaron A. King, Vianey Leos-Barajas, et al. 2021. “A Guide to State–Space Modeling of Ecological Time Series.” Ecological Monographs 91 (4): e01470. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecm.1470.